We Create
From Simple
Model Views
Images & Video
We Utilise AI
To cut weeks out of the 3d imaging process.
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Office Fitouts
Private Residential
Commercial Property
Residential Interiors
Urban Development
Suburban Development
Residential / Landscape
Get the full power of AI.
Retain full control.
If you've seen or used online AI image generators, you know that they can produce some incredible results. But they generally change too much, or lack control to change your source image in a meaningful and usable way.
As such, they're not reliably usable in most architectural or marketing use cases.
Our custom trained models and process guarantees your results.
It works on all types of Projects
It will work for yours too.
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How it works/
You supply an image,
We process the image (AI Preview) and supply you with options,
You choose the one(s) you like,
We process the image (L1/L2/L3) to the resolution you need.
It usually takes 24-48hrs.
All Projects start with a Preview. It's an easy way to see how your images will take shape.
From there, the levels are determined by how much resolution you will need, and how much involvement you will need in shaping the finished images.
AI processing of input image
6x preview images
1k output
(preview price is rolled into levels pricing if progressed)
- AI processing of input image
- 6x preview images
- 2k finished output
- AI processing of input image
9x preview images to select
6k finished output
1x manual adjustment
- AI processing of input image
12x preview images
10k finished output
3x manual adjustments
Manual Adjustment+
When you need to make a manual adjustment to an image.
Motion Footage
- 10 second footage based upon processed image
- 4k resolution
Have a question?
Have a Project with many images?
Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
Who's Behind It?
The Humans
A small team based in Melbourne, Australia, and with points of contact in Singapore, Bangkok and Buenos Aires, we are a small team of humans at the control of the machines.
Lead by Andrew Clarkson, he has recently authored a chapter in the first major book on Architecture and AI: "Artificial Intelligent Architecture" published by ORO Editions. And guest lectures at Australian Universities.
Want to Join Us?
Get in contact us via the form below (bottom left).
FAQs & Limitations
The AI image processing works very smoothly in most cases. Though sometimes in the early phases of processing it can include some errant and unintended bits and pieces.
Don't worry when this happens, that's where manual assessment and adjustments are appropriate. We have (manual) techniques to ensure your images are perfect, and true to the submitted design.
We can change most things: lighting, mood, materials, tones.
But one main limitation is around camera composition. We generally can't change camera composition without getting funny scale and proportions.
We're working on making large parts of the process completely automated. Especially the early preview phases.
Where we hope it all ends up is to use AI where large manual tasks and systems are currently bottlenecked, and then have human involvement later in the process where there is no substitute for the complexity of human understanding and visual intuition.
Is it silly to have to say this? We don't see a future where humans are replaced by AI. Well, not AI visual processors anyway.
Thank You for reading.
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About Us:
We’re a small team of humans, based in Melbourne, Australia, but scattered around the globe, directing the computers to create incredible visuals.
Contact us via the form or send an enquiry to alice@3daii.com
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Want to see how it works on one of your Projects?
For approved Projects:
Drop an image in here, and we’ll send a preview and analysis to you.